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Blue chip client retention in 19 years

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Callouts within SLA in 2023

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Average callout response in 2023

2hrs 34 mins
Fairburn Heating Solutions
“We believe that process heating should never cause downtime”
Contact Us
We have grown our reputation for excellence

We take great pride in our work and have built an enviable reputation for excellence

We have grown our reputation for excellence

Here at Fairburn Heating Solutions Ltd, we believe that smart process industrial heating should never be the cause of downtime for our clients, and should increase productivity, efficiency and longevity.

From rectification programmes and preventative maintenance agreements through to critical asset management journeys; we build and strengthen our partnerships by effectively increasing our clients production uptimes and reducing critical downtimes.

More About Us
85 Years of Experience

Our commitment to continuous improvement ensures we are at the leading edge of our industry

Unplanned breakdowns cost productivity, sales and customer relationships

Our approach to customer service is built on pride in our work, and from this, we have grown our reputation for excellence. We give our clients genuine fast responsive help when it’s required and take our services to the next levels of care and support.

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Process Heating

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Commercial Heating

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Our Asset Management excellence journey - Process Heating Systems

More About Asset Management

The Fairburn Asset Management Journey is an excellence programme with structured steps specifically designed to reduce breakdowns, grow productivity and transform the performance of your industrial gas heating system.

For too many businesses, process heating systems are characterised by:


Unexpected failures


Unplanned breakdowns


Unpredictable and uncontrolled repairs


Spiralling downtime costs and additional knock-on costs

Our Accreditations

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We pride ourselves on building strong, lasting relationships all over the UK

  • Fairburn’s quick response, ability to source spares and the same-day fix by James, the engineer helped us avert what could have been a very serious problem in the paint shop. A great example of a responsive and capable supplier.

    David Wood
    Paint Shop Control Engineer, JLR
    Jaguar Land Rover
  • I have complete confidence in the Fairburn Heating Solution Process Gas Engineers and am always happy to send them in to work with our customers.  I recently received an email from the Engineering Manager at one of my Herefordshire customers who commented that it was “a pleasure to have the boys on site” and that they were a “tribute to the company.”  When the Fairburn team deliver such a good experience to my customers it makes my life much easier!

    Steve Howells
    Business Development Manager
    Kempston Controls